
IIROC oversees the registration of firms and individuals who provide advice and conduct securities trading in Canada. These firms must register as Dealer Members. In addition, any Canadian marketplace for equity and debt trading activity must also become a Marketplace Member. Note that firms operating as Alternative Trading Systems must also become Dealer Members in addition to being Marketplace Members.

IIROC also monitors the financial and operations, business conduct, and trading conduct compliance of registered individuals and Dealer Members. Using a risk-based approach, we schedule and conduct examinations of Dealer Members to assess and ensure compliance of firms and their registered individuals with the relevant IIROC rules, UMIR rules, and securities legislation.  

Each year, IIROC issues a Compliance Priorities Report. This report highlights IIROC’s areas of focus including common exam deficiencies and emerging issues to help Dealer Members and registered individuals establish and maintain a strong culture of compliance.

Members landing page image- group of people in a meeting sitting around computers

Welcome to!

You can find the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) at with our fresh look and feel.

The following sections of the legacy and sites have been migrated to

  • Enforcement
  • Hearings
  • Consultations
  • A unified member directory (Dealers We Regulate)
  • Advisor Report

We will continue moving items off MFDA and IIROC in 2024. Stay tuned for future updates.