IIROC’s Advisor Report Result for: Richard Vetter

Basic Details

Legal name: Richard Carl Peter Vetter
Province of Residence: BC

Registration Information

Firm Name: Aligned Capital Partners Inc.
Status with Firm: Active
Registered Business Location: 9351 Glenacres Drive, Richmond, BC, V7A 1Y6

IIROC Approval Categories

This section identifies the category or categories in which an advisor is currently approved by IIROC to do business with his/her clients.
Approval categories
  • Associate Portfolio Manager
  • Securities
Customer type
  • Retail
More about IIROC Approval Categories

IIROC approves individuals to work at IIROC-regulated firms for specific categories of employment (e.g. Registered Representative, Investment Representative) This section identifies the category or categories in which an advisor is currently approved by IIROC to do business with his/her clients. The approval categories are important because they tell investors about the type(s) of products(s) that an advisor is allowed to trade in, whether they can advise clients, and whether they are an executive of the firm. Where an individual is approved in a number of IIROC approval categories, it is possible for an individual to be suspended in one of those categories. This may occur, for example, where an individual has failed to complete a required course within the mandatory time frame. Individuals registered to deal in mutual funds only at a dual registered firm will not have IIROC approval categories. The section below identifies the provinces and territories of registration for such individuals.

For an explanation of each approval category, please visit:

Registered Provinces and Territories

This person is registered to trade and is registered as a dealing representative or salesperson (if registered under commodity futures legislation in Ontario or Manitoba) in the following province(s)/territories:

  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
More about Registered Provinces and Territories

In addition to IIROC’s approval requirements, the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) has its own set of conditions for registering individuals to work in Canada’s provinces and territories.

Terms and Conditions

If an advisor has a condition(s) placed on their approval with IIROC or their registration, it will be identified here.

The following terms and conditions have been placed on this advisor:

More about Terms and Conditions

Advisors may have terms and conditions attached to their approval/registration for various reasons. Whether the condition is to, for instance, take a course, be supervised or avoid soliciting clients in certain circumstances you should ask the advisor about it. You will then have to decide the extent to which the term or condition affects their ability to provide you with the investment advice and services you need.

Previous sponsoring IIROC Member firms

This advisor was previously registered with:

  • Manulife Wealth Inc. / Gestion de patrimoine Manuvie inc.
More about previous sponsoring IIROC Member firms

The National Registration Database (NRD) - which is used to track the approval of advisors - was founded in March 2003. Employment information prior to this date was maintained by IIROC. As a result, if you are interested in obtaining employment information prior to March 2003, please contact us directly at 1.877.442.4322.

Industry Courses

This person has completed or been exempted from the following industry course(s) and exam(s):

Date Status Course Name
Apr 06, 2020 Exempt Investment Management Techniques
Apr 06, 2020 Exempt Portfolio Management Techniques
Jun 12, 2015 Completed Chartered Investment Manager (CIM)
Mar 27, 2015 Completed Portfolio Management Techniques
Oct 20, 2005 Completed Effective Management Seminar
Apr 01, 2005 Completed Investment Management Techniques
Dec 02, 2003 Completed (Discontinued) Branch Manager's Examination Course
May 21, 2002 Completed Conduct and Practices Handbook Course
Jul 06, 2000 Completed Canadian Securities Course
Apr 01, 2000 Completed (Discontinued) Certified Financial Planner Program
Jan 01, 1997 Completed Chartered Life Underwriting (C.L.U).
More about Industry Courses

This section identifies all industry courses (e.g. general product/industry, and/or provincial securities exams) that advisors have passed in order to maintain their approval status (existing or past) with an IIROC-regulated firm. It may also include additional courses that are not required by IIROC. This section may not include, however, a complete listing of all additional non-required professional or industry courses that an advisor has taken in support of other licenses held, to expand knowledge or to stay current, so you should speak to your advisor if you have questions about an advisor’s educational background or courses completed.

Please note: IIROC generally verifies the completion of those courses which are required for regulatory purposes. IIROC does not confirm the completion of any additional courses, diplomas or degrees disclosed through NRD by the advisor.

IIROC may offer exemptions in certain circumstances.

Regulatory Disclosures

Questions prior to September 28, 2009
This advisor has not identified any regulatory disclosure.
Questions after September 28, 2009
This advisor has not identified any regulatory disclosure.
More about Regulatory Disclosures

This section of the report includes information about different kinds of proceedings by securities regulatory authorities, self-regulatory organizations and/or non-securities regulators. Individuals seeking approval with an IIROC-regulated firm are required to provide this information by responding to a series of questions. On September 28, 2009, regulatory reforms resulted in changes to these questions. Because individuals may have responded to different questions, depending on when they filed information for approval, this report will include any responses filed prior to as well as after, September 28, 2009.

The report also provides the questions which approved persons would have answered.

Questions prior to September 28, 2009

Have you, or has any firm (other than your sponsoring firm or a firm that is or was registered in a Canadian jurisdiction and identified in response to Item 13(1)(b)), when you were a partner, director, officer or holder of voting securities carrying more than 10 percent of the votes carried by all outstanding voting securities of that firm, been subject to a cease trade order, a cease distribution order, a suspension or termination order, any disciplinary proceedings or any order resulting from disciplinary proceedings pursuant to securities legislation or legislation governing exchange contracts (including commodity futures contracts and commodity futures options) in any province, territory, state or country?

Have you, or has any firm (other than your sponsoring firm or a firm that is or was registered in a Canadian jurisdiction and identified in response to Item 13(1)(b)), when you were a partner, director, officer or holder of voting securities carrying more than 10 percent of the votes carried by all outstanding voting securities of that firm, been subject to a suspension, expulsion or termination order, or been subject to any disciplinary proceedings or any order resulting from disciplinary proceedings conducted by any stock exchange or other self-regulatory organization in any province, territory, state or country?

Have you, or has any firm (other than your sponsoring firm or a firm that is or was registered in a Canadian jurisdiction and identified in response to Item 13(1)(b)), when you were a partner, director, officer or holder of voting securities carrying more than 10 percent of the votes carried by all outstanding voting securities of that firm, been subject to a suspension or termination order, or disciplinary proceedings or any order resulting from disciplinary proceedings conducted under any legislation which requires registration or licensing to deal with the public in any capacity other than to trade in or advise on securities or exchange contracts (including commodity futures contracts and commodity futures options) in any province, territory, state or country?

Questions asked after September 28, 2009

1. Securities and derivatives regulation
d) Are you now, or have you ever been, subject to any disciplinary proceedings or any order resulting from disciplinary proceedings under any securities legislation or derivatives legislation or both?
2. SRO regulation
c) Are you now, or have you ever been, subject to any disciplinary proceedings conducted by any SRO or similar organization?
3. Non-securities regulation
c) Are you now, or have you ever been, a subject of any disciplinary actions conducted under any legislation relating to your activities unrelated to securities?

Please note: A positive answer to these questions does not automatically indicate wrongdoing on the part of an advisor, nor does it mean that a disciplinary proceeding has necessarily concluded with a finding of fault or guilt; it is possible that the proceeding itself has not been completed or that the proceeding has been completed and there was no finding of fault or guilt. 

Please contact the advisor or the advisor’s firm directly to obtain more information or call IIROC at 1-877-442-4322 for assistance in locating any public disclosure

Disciplinary Actions

No disciplinary actions found.
More about Disciplinary Actions

IIROC investigates IIROC-regulated firms and their approved employees or agents who may have broken IIROC rules and, as a result, been subject to an IIROC disciplinary proceeding. This section provides the most up-to-date information on IIROC disciplinary proceedings.

Information about Advisor Report

The Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) regulates all Canadian investment dealers and their approved employees and agents.

Individuals wanting to work at IIROC-regulated firms in specific roles (for example as a Registered Representative or an Investment Representative) must apply to IIROC for approval. Before approving these individuals, IIROC checks their qualifications and background to ensure that they meet IIROC’s requirements. Certain categories of employment (such as administrative assistants, IT specialists) do not need to be approved by IIROC. A full list of roles that require IIROC approval is provided in this Report and in the “Frequently Asked Questions” on the IIROC Website.

Please note that in this Report and in the “Know Your Advisor” section of the IIROC web site , we have used the general term ‘advisor’ to refer to a number of official regulatory approval categories such as Registered Representative and Investment Representative. ‘Advisor’ is not, however, an official IIROC approval category for individuals working at IIROC-regulated firms and is not being used to represent an official registration category.

The information provided in this IIROC AdvisorReport comes from the National Registration Database (the Canadian securities industry’s registration database) and IIROC's public disciplinary records.

The IIROC AdvisorReport displays industry courses that an advisor has passed in connection with an IIROC approval. The report may display additional courses that are not required by IIROC, depending on the disclosures made by the advisor through NRD. For several reasons, the report may not include a complete listing of all additional non required professional or industry courses that an advisor has taken in support of other licenses held, to expand knowledge or to stay current. You should speak to your advisor if you have questions about an advisor’s educational background or courses completed.

With regard to any indications of Regulatory Disclosures which have been made by approved persons through their National Registration Database (NRD) filings, the IIROC AdvisorReport will identify the fact that the individual has made a regulatory disclosure. For several reasons, including the need to protect the interests of third parties who may have been mentioned in the full NRD filing, the Report cannot provide any further detail on the actual disclosures. Investors are encouraged to follow up directly with the advisor to obtain additional information.

This report only provides information about individuals who are currently approved with an IIROC-regulated firm. If you are looking for disciplinary information about an individual who is no longer working for an IIROC-regulated firm please visit: Enforcement

IIROC is not responsible for and cannot verify information from sources other than IIROC. IIROC does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information requested. By using the IIROC website and the IIROC AdvisorReport service, you have acknowledged and signified that you have read, understood and agreed, without limitation or qualification, to be bound by the Terms of Use applicable to the IIROC AdvisorReport service.

Thank you for using IIROC AdvisorReport.

Welcome to CIRO.ca!

You can find the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) at CIRO.ca with our fresh look and feel.

The following sections of the legacy mfda.ca and iiroc.ca sites have been migrated to ciro.ca:

  • Enforcement
  • Hearings
  • Consultations
  • A unified member directory (Dealers We Regulate)
  • Advisor Report

We will continue moving items off MFDA and IIROC in 2024. Stay tuned for future updates.